Septic Tank Pumping for Southern Erie County, NY

Pumping and Waste Removal

septic tank pumping

Septic Tank Pumping

Whether it’s residential or commercial septic cleaning, Zuech’s is the place to call for complete and professional service. No matter what type system you have, we have the expertise to service your system. Simply call our office and we will be happy to schedule a convenient time to have a truck come out.

Most homeowners expose their own septic tank lids. However, for those who cannot, we offer a digging service. We can dig up lids by hand (if they are only a few inches down) or with the use of an excavator. Because of its small size there is a minimum of disruption to the surrounding landscape and it can fit between trees, unlike a standard size backhoe. All of our septic cleaning is done from the road or your driveway, we do not drive on your lawn. Our trucks and equipment are new which allows us to provide our customers with the most professional service possible. Zuech’s service team employees are very knowledgeable about septic systems, from the everyday operation of a system to it’s care and maintenance. Homeowners should get in the habit of having their septic tank pumped. If you are able and willing to have your septic tank pumped on a routine basis (such as every 3 years), it may be possible to further enhance the effectiveness of your entire on-lot wastewater disposal system. As an added service we send out reminder cards every 3 years to our customers.


See all of our services below.

To schedule an appointment for septic tank pumping,  septic tank installation or portable toilet rentals in
Southern Erie County
Call Zuech’s at 716-676-3388

Being a family operation the Zuech’s take a lot of pride in the fact that they are the best in the business in performance and reputation. Customer satisfaction is our main goal. We pride ourselves in giving people the best product and service knowledge for their money spent.

© 2025 Zuech's Environmental Services, Inc.
Franklinville, NY

No information, photos, files, or other material found on this website may be copied or used without the express written permission

Contact Us

8312 Rt 98, PO Box 108,
Franklinville, NY 14737

Call: 716-676-3388
Fax: 716-676-3230

BBB Accredited business